Blood Collection and Sampling

Our staff is highly trained with years of experience in blood collection which we perform with a butterfly needle so as to achieve the best result without any discomfort to the patient.

There is also the possibility of inserting an intravenous catheter for carrying out special examinations like oral glucose tolerance test measuring glucose and insulin, synacthten test e.t.c.

Aimodiagnosi serves the needs of children with great responsibility. The blood collection for our little friends is performed by specialized staff in the presence of their parents so that they can feel comfortable and safe while the whole process is being transformed into a painless experience.

Blood collections carried out all day during operating hours (morning and evening hours) in order to serve emergencies and assist clinicians in their immediate evaluation and treatment.

Specially designated areas have also been developed for:

All the examinations are taking place in specially designed areas with comfort, privacy with all the necessary protective measures.

Αιμοδιάγνωση - Αιμοληψίες και λήψης δειγμάτων